Tuesday, November 29, 2011

YES, i said.

[Brodan speaking] i'm sleeping my afternoon away, when i get this phone call. It's our local Shopping Centre (Georgian Mall) and the Barrie SPCA. They want me to do a photo shoot with Santa Claus for the newspaper. Me? Well, I said "YES!" Thinking Santa will have treats. What pose should i work on? My regal look? My "oh is me" look? My "happy go luck" look? What to wear ?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brodan & Me watch "Marley and Me"

B-Man and I watched "Marley and Me" last night. I confess, I got a little teary eyed at the end. Dog lovers, if you haven't seen this movie, treat yourself.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How I Spent My Sunday

Brodan here. I'd like to share with you my Sunday ( November 13th ). After eating my "Taste of the Wild Bison flavoured" breakfast, I decided to hang around and help Dad with his breakfast. Turns out I like pancakes and maple syrup. Mom woke so we had some good conversation over a cup of coffee. Then I heard Mom & Dad speak about a Trail walk. Yesss! Out to the Simcoe Forest Trails we went. The pardise of the pines, the emerald moss, the mud, the coolness of the creek, stuff I like. We must have walked 6 km. Later that evening, one of my favourite places to be. By the fireplace while Mom scratches my ears. Folks, I'm loving life. Brodan signing off.