Monday, October 24, 2011


Sun in my face, I was meditating, until you took my photo. The Cottage on October 22nd. This is what it's all about. Peace and quiet. No neighbours. No firecrackers. No ATV's. Just the sound of the wind rustling through the trees and the roar of the Madawaska River. My peeps doing yard work and me, well, I'm kicking back and taking five. Soon it will be treat time, then perhaps a nap. Loving it.


Grandma said...

Brodan my man you MUST ask your peeps for sun glasses. Your georgeous eyes are squinting way too much in the sun.


Mom said...

Oh boy, Brodan! How is this different from any other day?!?!?!?!

Natalie and my german shorthaired pointer said...

Brodan reminds me of my lost pitbull.

Kim Thompson said...

Brodan will see you in a few days for your big photo opp... I see you already have lots of experience for pics