Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brodan gets mail.

Dear Jo-Anne, thank you so much for the birthday card. My Mom & Dad were so happy for me. Brodan gets mail. First time ever! Love Brodan xoxo [Jo-Anne, your gift was incredibly thoughtful.Thank you kindly, Jamie.] B-Man's birthday is April 14th and he will be turning 8 years old. Brodan has asked Mommy for his birthday meal the following : 1. one jar of Skippy Peanut Butter crunchy. 2. a sleeve of Armstrong "Old" cheese. 3. a slice of apple. 4. a banana sliced on my breakfast. 5. a little bit of blueberry yogurt. 6. ice cream ? 7. rawhide bone ? 8. green pie ? 9. barbeque hotdogs ? 10. more peanut butter hold the crackers

Sunday, April 8, 2012

B-Man on Trent U. 100 % Pure Green Machine.

Trent University may not have a football team. Trent U. might not have a Starbucks. Trent U. may not have underground parking. Trent U. may not be Carlton U. Trent U. might be missing a few other insignificant basic prerequisites like a 275 piece Marching band, and bicycle racks by Lady Eaton. Ladies and Gentlemen, Trent U. has something that no other University has. That's right not even Harvard or South Dakota U have this. Brodan. Brodan eats, sleeps and thinks GREEN. Not Bowling Green! Trent U. green.