Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thank God for Windows

High Alert
Its mid afternoon. Something, or something has, or something is about to happen, but what. The intensity in B-Man's crouch reveals there is more than a black squirrel or a cat in our back yard. My guess is the wild hare is back prancing along the fence line.

Its possibly there is clown grading cheese in the corner of the lot, but highly unlikely.
Its possible the neighbour behind us has found Brodan's two frisbees from winter play and has set them a blaze with a propane torch.

But not likely.

The High Alert watch last three to four minutes and then life returns to normal.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Never had a Bite.

Oh boy. Big deal a roonie. A birthday cake for me. Did i get any? Not that i'm hard done by. I did get steak on my birthday dinner.

Sunday, April 13, 2014