Friday, August 19, 2011

What's worst than a SKunk ?

Two Skunks. Brodan my pal, I saved your life this morning. You may not know it, but I did. I know you wanted to get out in the yard and say "hi". Trust me. Those two varmints were going to say hi back in a different fashion.


Grandma said...

Wow, Brodan!! Your dad saved you from a terrible, terrible experience. Maybe you could thank him with lots and lots of kisses!

Anonymous said...

Barely missed a V-8 bath eh Brodan? Good thing your Dad was there to save you from that horror! :D

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: There is a pittie calendar being put together by the RoadDogs. They are taking photo entries now. The sale of the calendar will help other pitties. If you would like more info, go to