Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hi Jo-Anne

Good morning Jo-Anne, I'm doing well. The summer has gone by fast. Mom has gone back to School Teaching and Dad has started a new job so life has returned to normal. Still having fun running after squirrels & rabbits. Playing lots of frisbee. I got a new muzzle that is brown and replaces my yellow one. I also got a new leash.I'm getting older but it hasn't slowed me down at all but sometimes I put myself to bed earlier now. Bedtime is usually about 9 pm for me. Dad and I will be planning one more trip to the cottage to turn the water off for the season and prepare it for winter. Other than that life is pretty normal. Your friend, Brodan. xoxoxo


Jo-Anne said...

Hi Brodan,
Thanks for giving me an update....makes me feel much better! Glad everything is ok with you and your family.

Jo-Anne said...

Hi Brodie,

Just want to ask you a question. I'm doing my x mas shopping and would like to know where you like to shop the best?
Love, Jo-Anne xxoo