Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Comes early for Brodan

Brodan old boy, you got mail. It's a big package! What could it be? Hey its from Jo-Anne, yippee! WOW! Brodan absolutely loves his new toy, frisbee and other beautiful gifts you gave us. Thank you very much Jo-Anne. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, from Brodan and the Nielsens.


Jo-Anne said...

Glad you got everything! Merry Christmas to all of you to! Thanks for posting pictures that has made my day to see Brodie with his new toy. Thanks for such special people to him..I will always be grateful that you found each other.

Grandma said...

Brodan, you're a lucky lucky guy. xoxo

Jo-Anne said...

Merry Christmas Brodan and your family! Hope you got spoiled big boy!