Monday, December 8, 2014

Standing Ovation on Opening Night

The Madawaska Players presents "The Man, the Dog & the Frying Pan".  The main roles played by the former King of Cribbage of the Madawaska and Brodan opened to a standing ovation to a somewhat disappointing turn out. Lost in northern Ontario and scavenging for food & shelter, a cast iron frying pan is found. As they soon discover its just not any ordinary frying pan but a magical frying pan. The frying pan when held over one particular rock, comes to a sizzling life. Hunger is answered with pancakes, eggs, bacon and dog biscuits. Man & his dog are bewildered when their pockets are filled with gold coins & Becker's Milk coupons. Only by the Stars and the Sun as a compass, the Man & his Dog set out for Combermere. 


The play has a spectacular unexpected ending as Combermere isn't their final destination. Brodan the Wonderdog's performance is riveting! He steals the show and at times his performance makes the King of Cribbage of the Madawaska's performance second rate. Nevertheless, a performance you must see.

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